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ShareFile - Outlook Setup
Posted by Dan Shelton, Last modified by Dan Shelton on May 29 2019 05:36 AM

ShareFile Outlook Add-In Initial Setup

ShareFile has multiple add-ins including once for Office and Outlook. These addins should already be available to you in your ProZone applications. Local Office users may need to download and install the add-ins from Citrix. To find the available applications, select the Apps page from your ShareFile website. NOTE: These downloads ONLY apply to out-of-session users, you will not be able to install these applications in-session.

Outlook will prompt you to set up your ShareFile account upon first launch AFTER the add-in is enabled.

!! You will need to get the correct subdomain for your company from ProCirrus support to set up your ShareFile tie in if it does not automatically populate. 
  1. Enter your username (usually your email address)
  2. Enter your company subdomain when prompted for your subdomain.  (procirrus is shown as an example below)
  3. Then you will be prompted to login from a squeezed view of the ProZone mobile website.
  4. Then you will be prompted to set your default settings. These can be changed from inside Outlook also. Generally, we recommend setting ShareFile to be used only when you choose to use it Advanced: Use ShareFile only when I choose.. Complete the remaining options and the setup will be complete. 
Setting ShareFile Outlook Add-In Options

ShareFile has multiple add-ins including once for Office and Outlook. These addins should already be available to you in your ProZone applications. Local Office users may need to download and install the add-ins from Citrix. To find the available applications, select the Apps page from your ShareFile website. NOTE: These downloads ONLY apply to out-of-session users, you will not be able to install these applications in-session.

Outlook will prompt you to set up your ShareFile account upon first launch AFTER the add-in is enabled. See ShareFile Outlook Add-In Initial Setup above.

  1. You may set your default ShareFile options from the Plug-in Options button on your Outlook Home toolbar. 
  2. Login Information was set up during the initial steps. If the need should arise to set this screen, the sub domain is your company sub domain.  (procirrus is shown as an example below)
  3. Attachment Policy sets your default ShareFile policies including when Outlooks should use ShareFile (i.e. "only when i choose) and how long a file will be available. 
  4. Link Insertion sets how your links will appear in your requests and sends. 
  5. Link Options sets the default access requirements and default folder where requested files are uploaded. 

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